Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Our Transition

Being inspired by Mom and her use of blog, I am now attempting to write one myself...

Trisha my love and I are in a state of transition. The games are over with us- at least they're over within me. . . But our relationship no longer supports the use of fits. There was a great fit we had that tried our relationship to the point of breaking, that thereby showed us who we really are to eachother, and what we really mean to eachother. Now we're back on our feet. Amazing what something so terrible will teach you! Now we can both move into another life that has more meaning, respect, and happiness: We'll treat eachother's meaning with respect, and out of that there will be :)ness!

And I think it will be worthwhile to post what I did negatively: I used the stuff in my life as a focus point, and used Trisha as a distraction. . . Now that I know that, I can turn it around and use her as a focus point, and the stuff in my life as a distraction. Isn't that what love is? Wanting to focus on something because of your love for it? I think it is. . .