Saturday, November 22, 2008

I believe in blog.

The first thing I did on this so called blog spot is try to assign my peeps to superhero identities. Then I realized, everyone's super enough just as they are.

I was thinking about words today, and I think that they're weird. They just are. Think about a word; It's like a sentence that's a word that describes an idea. Take a word that has all this power to hold an idea in it, and send it to work with all these other word-idea-holders, who can all together work as a factory of understanding. That's what a sentence, paragraph, or overall composition is to me from now on: Factories of Understanding. If I base my thoughts on these words that has peoples' ideas within them, then the F.U. is operational: employed by word, powered by idea energy, and outputs the tiny gift boxes of understanding. Protect Peace through Poetic thought.

I read in A Course In Miracles that any type of fantasy at all is unworthy, because it creates false needs, which come from false perception of self.
All my life I've gotten excited about imagining fantastical things. Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Bionicle, and many, many more are all part of me trying to get away from me into a better me. In reality I haven't any use for strange super powers and magic and all that because I am my own full magnificence.

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